Key events in the Uk 2017-2018:
2017 was also marked by several terrorist attacks in England, which shook the country and left many people feeling vulnerable. The most significant of these attacks was the bombing at Manchester Arena in May, in which 22 people were killed and many more were injured. This can be related to Killing Eve to the secret service and them dealing with these serious people.
Count down for Brexit
Tuesday 21st November 2023
Industry and Context.
L/O: To apply relevant theory to the context issues shown in the text.
How important is the context, in influencing the themes in Killing Eve as a media text?
The themes in Killing Eve are influenced by the context as a media text because the production team are all female and there for the representations of the characters are very different to the stereotypical spy dramas. The character Eve is seen as really smart and very interested on how Villanelle has not been caught and idolises her to find out more than trying to catch her. Whereas Villanelle isn't put down by the men in her life and is in control of most the situations she's in.
Barthes- Semiology is the study of signs. Signs consist of a signifier (a word/image..) and its meaning.Denotation is the literal meaning (rose), Connotation is the association of the denotation (rose = love).
Levi Strauss- The binary opposition that the system of myths and fables was ruled by a structure of opposing terms. (Good/bad) Overall system as 'Ideology'.
Child innocent- ice-cream/ villanelle- uncomfterble uneasy.
assassin vs MI5
serious suits/ neutral lighting
shopping bags/ feminin stereotype
powerful/ subordinate
male/ female
serious/ funny
set in ways/ innovative
Monday 27th November 2023
Characters Eve
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Eve in set products.
Colonialism-the act of taking control of an area/ country that is not your own, especially using force and sending people from your own to live there.
Eve is being represented as in photo 1/2
tired (facial expression)/ professional( clothing for both)
unprofessional (the food on the table)/ confident (body posture)
How is Eve represented in this opening scene?
Humorous, social and friendly, curious, professional/unprofessional,
Egoistic- disorganised come in late to meeting and food.
Confident, defiant eating in the meeting
lighthearted - in bed screaming ( mise-on-scene)
immature- beginning scene and betting on the killer( dialogue)
likeable, appealing, relatable- coming late, drunk and singing, informal with colleague.
What are the key events in this scene?
the assassination and her mentioning it might have been a woman.
How is eve represented in these scenes( office, interview and translation Dom and Niko)
funny- Dom and Niko translation- actions highlights this
Risk taker/ Deceiving-Camera shot to highlight (close up) to highlight the manipulation of the situation in the interview cause she's not allowed to ask the question of if its a man and woman.
informal - speech talking to assistant 'tits' dialogue
Persistent- phone call chasing down her leads- dialogue- sound
key events
finding out about the killer and that shes not on record though doing it illegally
Discuss the representation of Eve and context of gender roles in this scene in S1 E1.
Eve is being represented in the first episode as a persistent and risk taker. This can be seen with the dialogue used when she's talking to Bill and asking him about the cameras. We can see she's a risk taker about finding out if the killer is a woman during the interview and when she asks Dom and Niko to translate the illegal recording of said interview. During the interview she says to the guard to get some tea for the lady and after she makes sure he's gone which we can see with the use of the close up of the door; she proceeds to as the question she isn't allowed and not finding any answers but she did record the whole interview without anyone knowing and asked Niko and Dom for translations. Near the end we can still see she's persistent about finding out about the said female killer but reaches a dead end with Elena and her on the phone and the killer not being on record.
This can be linked to Van Zoonen because of the female roles played you see woman have gotten a lot more higher jobs within society because of the feminist movement that happened long ago for woman rights. And we can see this in Killing Eve with the woman in the office about something Russian.
Tuesday 28th November 2023
Eve Character
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Eve in set products.
Eve determined:
-stand up to Bill in office, sound dialogue desperate and persistent low angle mid shot of Eve shows power- respected- see her facial expression. The camera comes closer when the conversation get tense, close up to on Eves face when she puts her point across with all serious nature.
-Persistent and accusing her boss of being lazy her voice gets higher feminine. -Props used to show she's done her research and determination/ obsession which is proof and organised and resultful, she's positive person and doing her job really good.
- the use of sound in the hospital scene and determined to get as much out of the witness and speaking her language to get more out of her even when dying.
Near the end she is emotional and realistic after the incident of people dying this can be seen with the mid shot of her which we can clearly see her facial expression of distress also the close up on her hands shaking and Bill being there for her and told her she did what she could and Eve still blames her self in their dialogue.
Butler- gender roles being normalised and their roles being repeated but no essential gender identity behind these roles.
Van Zoonen- ideas of feminity and masculinity are constucter in our performance of these roles.
All female crew (point 1)
Bell Hooks-
Villanelle is Russian assassin with money
Eve is a middle class woman with money and good education to be in MI5.
It goes against Bell Hooks since even though they are woman they are not oppressed and go against the oppositional gaze and are powerful and ethnic and money and they dominate the representations.
Monday 4th December 2023
Characters Villanelle
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Villanelle in set products.
Villanelle is represented as ruthless, highly skilled woman that is mysterious, charismatic, cunning, manipulative, nonchalant but also bold and humorous.
Van Zoonen Villanelle:
Villanelle shows that she is following these expected stereotypical behaviour of femininity and therefore reinforces these ideals in the opening scenes.
Tuesday 5th December 2023
Characters Villanelle
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Villanelle in set products.

Villanelle subverts -
kills, motorbike, physically masculine ( climbing pipes to get in house , confrontational, dark side.
audience -
Likeable, funny, nice to the little boy, kills unlikeable characters.
Not likeable when she kills good people in the hospital, hitting to home when she kills in the UK.
costume and props, the hair pin to kill him very feminine prop to kill him.
Shot type-
close up on the food, high angle on the target looking down on him not rushing things, close up on her face to see how she feels quite happy, also close up on her hand while she's writing the name of the designer as the man is dying.
Mainly low angle for power and dark, high key lighting to make it upbeat and not as serious, but it goes a bit low key when the murder actually happens since its quite dark.
non diegetic music, feminine. Diegetic music of the opera as he's dying. Quite slow and relaxing doesn't feel like a murder is about to happen,
Villanelle Representation-
unfazed, professional, versatile, nonchalant, confident, calm, dominant.powerful strong woman, doesn't seem fazed by the boy as he's calling for the man
Victim rep-
How does the mise en scene allow the audience to identify with Villanelle as a character?
Since the audience normally identify better with the antagonist, since they are normally misunderstood, and also more cooler. Villanelle is represented through mise en scene as quite feminine with how she is dressed and even when going undercover she's wearing a dress. With the close up of the hair pin which we later see her murder with is quite feminine but also used in a lot of different cultures and back in time which mainly woman would recognise or own said item. Also the close up on the food she's eating could be a cultural thing and the long shot of the landscape which is really beautiful, and when it shown in POV of the house its quite a cultural and beautiful house. People might also identify with Villanelle because she owns a motorbike and knows how to ride it, which shows a more masculine side to Villanelle, also when she's climbing the pipe some people probably know how to climb which they can relate to.
Pick and Mix you pick what you identify with but not what you don't identify with from the character.
What isn't there and if it's there whats the stereotype like,
Monday 11th December 2023
Positive- powerful, likeable, funny, unique, skilled, lifestyle
Negative- Dark behaviour, criminal/ murderer, cruel, violent (long shot of the hospital room with the innocent nurses who have been murdered quite brutal)
malicious- close up kasia- the cut throat, with a knife shows close to violent act.
Compare and contrast the techniques used to represent Villanelle in episode 1 of Killing Eve.[30 marks]
Example of the Answer:
Clear point of how Villanelle is represented -In the opening episode of Killing Eve we see Villanelle introduced initially as a likeable character.
Scene description- The scene we see this in is when she's joking around with her boss Konstantin, this makes her likeable as this shows that she has a humorous side that she is immature.
Textual detail- This is shown with her dialogue as she jokes with Konstantin about watching a movie together, and she predicts that he will refuse, the mise-en-scene also emphasises her humour side through her use of constant facial expression highlight the mood of the business meeting.
How textual detail reinforces the rep- the use of the humour, makes villanelle seem warm, friendly, and welcoming. The situation is quite dark as the meeting is about a further assassination request, however this is reinforces that she is quite likeable since it doesn't focus on the violence and darkness of her job. This is reduced to a normal conversation through her upbeat nature which appeals to the audience and the normalising of her nature.
Link to context social- Two Russian people were killed and one was a double agent they lived in Soulbury and were killed by a chemical weapon( poison), this was to kill the double agent that betrayed Russia. This shows the negative portrayal of Russia and their underhand assassinations which are represented in the text via Villanelle, it personalises it but also shows this behaviour is normal to her
Theory- Performance of gender roles, she is subverting the stereotypical gender roles here as she is respected by Konstantin and he is requesting her help.
However near the end of the episode we see Villanelle being represented as a violent but skilled assassin. This can be seen with the camera work of a long shot of the hospital room with the innocent dead nurses covered in blood on the floor and also the close up of Kasia holding her neck while she's slowly dying. This shows that Villanelle though a likeable character with humour when she is doing her job she can become a whole different person. Also the use of the diegetic sounds of Eve screaming for help which emphasises the gruesome scene that Villanelle create by killing these people. The audience may not like her in this scene since earlier in the episode we seen her murder bad people that deserve it but here she is killing innocents. We can see that she is skilled with how she murdered them, she had to be up close to the people and also the witness this can be seen through the mise-en-scene of the blood on the cloths and the positioning of the bodies, quick to escape before Eve came back but also leave no trace of her being there for the police to track back to her which really shows that she is a skilled assassin. We can see the social context with Villanelle by her being a Russian Assassin, which portrays that the Russians are 'bad' violent people also they are known for secret assassinations and also assassination is normal which can be seen with her business meeting with Konstantin which she doesn't have any reaction to when he asks her to kill someone else and it just seems like its a normal day and not talking about killing people.
struggle- theory and context
Tuesday 12th December 2023
L/O: To explore the representations in set products.
Killing Eve males:
Bill - Positive, caring, supportive, funny, good boss, older
Frank - very traditional, boss, serious, old, deceptive, negative
Dom - positive, supportive, helpful, kind, innocent, young
Niko - Less traditional, cooks, looks after Eve, emotional for Eve
Konstantin - More authoritative, traditional, father figure, positive/ neutral
Victims men - negative, misogynist, mafia, old, predatory
masculinity as caring and protective- Bill.
- when he asks how Niko is and caring about their relationship. Dialogue.
- the wide shot of him scrolling Eve like a father would to a child when he finds out she interviewed the witness. Body language and tone of voice through dialogue.
- close up of him holding her hands in the office and being there for her and supporting her after witnessing the murder which shows he's caring and doesn't blame her.
- when Eve is on the Toilet and Bill calls her and asks where she is, shows he's caring about her whereabouts through dialogue.
Monday 8th January 2024
Killing Eve Theory and representation
L/O: To explore the theory and representation in set products.
Baudrillard- post modernism.
-simulacra - which is the MI5 office.
-real locations,
-sense of realism is re-created.
Baudrillard to Killing Eve:
has minimal intertextuality, establishes a real world. has verisimilitude, lack of bricolage and fragmented narrative. In a lot of ways is not a traditional post modern text. However representations of MI5 and secret service is a simulation of the real, designed to create a simulacra in its version of MI5. It attempts to create hyper reality of the secret services. Parody/ Homage to M in James Bond via Carolyn.
Representation KE Gauntlett:
KE offers the audience a range of different characters and representations so that they can engage and choose what to identify with with the resources of the different characters. KE also offers local representations that resonate with international audiences. Spy and espionage is a gender that is popular world wide and each country has its own version of the service. This increases the diversity of representations to reach an international audience.
Hall with KE:
Disabled people are often not shown in the media, absent which Hall talks about.
KE create a dominant meaning through the use of ideology of good vs evil to support the preferred reading of those who create the laws and social norms in society.
Stereotypes of gender is a bit reversed for some characters. The race is diverse with different nationalities and skin colour. Class everyone is middle. The things that are missing is economic struggle, sexism, racism the characters and situations are not faced with the reality of these struggles in the episodes.
Characters- Villanelle, Niko, Eve, Elena
Villanelle - Nice fancy clothing, a dress for the undercover mission. Shopping at the beginning, puts her hair up in a bun. Really cares about appearance
Niko - Caring, cooks for Eve, Serious, Protective. Goes against masculinity.
Eve- Doing her hair in the hospital when Villanelle tells her to keep it down shows that she cares about her hair a bit.
Elena - Thoughtful and caring getting a croissant for Eve in the beginning
Carolyn- has some elements of femininity but mainly goes against it.
Tuesday 9th January 2024
Theory audience and industry
L/O: To explore the audience and industry theory and apply to set products.
Hall theory:
encode meaning - the preferred reading
Dominant reading- accepted the preferred and ideological meaning
Negotiated reading- Some of the decoded message is accepted but the audience disagrees with parts and change it to fit their experience and values.
Oppositional reading- both negotiated and dominant readings are both rejected.
Killing Eve:
Dominant - Eve is committed to saving lives due to her job and goes beyond the call of duty to find the truth.
Negotiated - agree with the need for patriotic duty but find Eve and her methods unrealistic.
Oppositions - British Propaganda- Demonising those from Russia as others and promoting the rule of British Laws.
Gives the power to the audience to decide what they agree with and what they don't.
Bandura theory
He believes that the media can influence the behaviour of the audience members. The media can also have indirect influence through social networks. He argues that the audiences may imitate behaviours they see represented in the media especially those that show aggression and violence.Killing Eve:
In KE the representations of violence are placed alongside those of black humour trivialise the violence and the severity and therefore could be seen to imitate the behaviour. There are still patriarchal ideals within the text as the roles with higher power are men. Therefore through the male characters in MI5 can reinforce patriarchal ideals in mind of the audience.
Garbener theory
Draws attention to the need to investigate the longer term effects on individuals who consume LFTVD Box-sets. Attitudinal effects of violent representations suggest that television programmes create the belief to the audience that the world is a dangerous place, with negative events. Supports the idea that Tv should be regulated to avoid harm.
The idea of violence in society is hidden realms is reproduced in KE in the attacks of Villanelle.
The mistrust in society is seen in MI5 the Russia element and the conspiracy with the CCTV which shows a lack/ cover up within government.
Mean world syndrome is repeated in the violent acts and the crime that is shown.
The hospital scene with Eve on the phone which really shows the lack of trust in the government. Also that fear that even in a hospital which is supposed to be safe can be seen that a murder can happen even there.
Monday 15th January 2024
Industry Theorist
L/O: To explore the industry theory and apply to set products.
Curran and Seaton: Power and media Industry
Patterns in ownership and control are important in how the media functions.
Media industries are capitalist and aim to increase concentration of ownership; leads to narrowing of opinions represented in the media, affecting plurality.
Owners pursue profit at the expense of quality/ creativity.
The concentration of media ownership means the media industry is dominated by a small number of conglomerates, which limits the viewpoints represented.
Despite the development of online media the established major media organisations continue to be dominant over the little people.
Profit and Power are the big two things conglomerates care about. The BBC is not a conglomerate with their aim since its a public service however in size they are.
Applying to Killing Eve:
Killing Eve was initially released on BBC America which is a pay for service in America. This goes against what Curran and Seaton said in relation to increasing concentration of ownership. The BBC production has meant that there is not a narrowing of representations present in KE.
Diverse representations of race:
Diverse representations of Britain:
Diverse representations of Gender:
Diverse representations of Sexuality:
Hesmondhalgh: Cultural Industry.
Cultural industries follow a capitalist pattern of increasing concentration and integration so production is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates.
Risk is seen in terms of loss of money. Risk is high because production costs are high.
Hesmondhalgh sees media industries as being dominated by a small number of conglomerates. High production costs and ease of reproduction and sharing of media products means media industries use a number of methods to reduce risk. These include vertical integration and the reliance on established genres, stars and narratives. (Media industries are dominated by a small number of media conglomerates, who rely on the representation of popular genres.
Risk is partially high in cultural industries because of the difficulty in predicting success, high production costs, low reproduction costs and the fact that media products are 'public goods'. This means that the industries rely on 'big hits'. Hence industries rely on repetition through use of stars through use of stars, genres, franchises, repeatable narrative and so on to sell formats to audiences, then industries and governments try to impose scarcity, especially through copyright laws.
Villanelles actress wasn't well known at the time of production, but Eves actor Sandra Oh was a well known American actress so the pay range was very different and also reduces the risk due to having a star actress
There are only four locations in the episode to reduce the costs.
The genre is spy thriller which is a well known genre to reduce the risks.
Livingstone and Lunt : Regulation.
Consumers are individuals who seek private benefits from the media and require regulation to protect them. They studied four case studies of the work of Ofcom. Ofcom is serving an audience who may be seen as consumers and/ or citizens with consequences for regulation.
Media regulation serves a variety of purposes and must balance a range of consumer/citizen needs. Regulation is needed to make sure the media promotes public interests.
Traditional forms of media regulation are being challenged by the online and globalised media culture resulting from technological developments such as the internet.
KE was regulated
Tuesday 16th January 2024
Theory and Audience and Industry
L/O: To apply theory in exam responses. Demonstrate analysis of set product linked to an Exam question.
To what extent do TVD create contrasting representations in contemporary media products?
Niko doesn't fit the gender roles quite feminine with caring and cooking- Eve with her not cooking how she dresses / Frank very serious, factual and gets angry easily
Eve determined - Niko passive(laid back)
Bill quite laid back, fun, caring- Frank serious,
Villanelle strong, confident, organised, strict - Eve infatuated/ Dom fearful
Frank traditional - Niko non-traditional/ Bill casual boss/ Carolyn non traditional woman but traditional boss
Elena supporting, positive, no power - Constantin supportive but not positive, controlling
- Judgement at start.
- give evidence
My Opening sentence
The representations in Killing Eve often contrast one another due to the production team being mainly females.
Overall Eve is represented as strong and determined through the use of narrative and sound.
This can be seen in the last scenes as she confidently shares her opinions and ideas to those who are superior to her through the use of dialogue, camera work and mise en scene. This can be seen in the interview scene after the hospital massacre. The close up shot on Eve's hands covered in dried blood, to emphasise her strength in the situation, attempting to save the victim and also her drive to find the truth by putting her safety behind her investigations. The use of low key but cold lighting draws attention to the serious nature of the situation and how focused Eve is on her job.
This highlights the shift in society norms in terms of gender as the text focuses on Eve's role as an leader and central to the action and narrative of the TVD. Which links with the female production team being mainly female and we can see the representations about females being positive. Which contrasts with the history of Spy thriller TVD and the main characters being mainly male and the female are normally not that important within that genre.
In Killing Eve Butler can be applied since Eve even though she's a female her gender roles are more masculine with how she dresses and acts within the interview scene. With the camerawork and her dialogue being strong and determined when shouting at Frank.
Whereas, Bill isn't as determined about his work as Eve is. This can be seen in the scene where they are eating. The camerawork and sound are a good example with the close ups on his face which shows that he is bored and doesn't want to be there and he makes it quite clear with the way he's telling Eve to stop doing her investigation and that they don't get paid for that.
Monday 22nd January 2024
L/O: To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episode.
Money Heist:
-Central characters whose motives develop with them.
- Everyone ( tokyo and professor)
-A main storyline with interwoven subplots.
- A heist in Spain, Subplots romance/ betrayal/ deaths.
- Tokyo we see her background. The team have subplots.
-A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension and questions for the audience.
Questions why is Rio Tokyos weakness. Who is the professor?
Why is their tension with Berlin.
Mystery thriller:
crime and running from police. A group of strangers mystery there.
Mugshots of crime, swap people at Tokyos mums house negative. Stereotypes a lot of diverse people.
Luther the fallen sun:
Genre: thriller crime, mystery, police prodigal positive.
- french production with Netflix created the series
- George Kay and François Uzan wrote the series
- The awards satellite award for best actor in a series drama/ genre and critics choice television for foreign language
- it hit the top 10 list on Netflix
Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Lupin Watching
L/O: To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episodes.
Main narrative quest/ conflict set up:
stealing the queens neckless, the character is skilled. Get the neckless back
Enigma codes:
What did his father do to get arrested?
What happened to his mum?
don't leave Paris.
Does he get caught? Where has the neckless been?
What drove Mr Pelligrini set up his dads arrest?
Individual character narratives:
his wife
Dad that died, Babakar
The teen girl
The gang
the old blond woman mrs pellegrini
Monday 29th January 2024
Lupin- Genre and narrative
L/O: To explore the narrative theory and genre theory. To apply the theory to the set text.
Todorov - Narratology
Study of narrative structure- how the parts fit together. Wasn't designed to explain LFTVDs narratives but single narratives with resolutions, so does not explain complex narratives where climax and resolution are necessarily delayed.
Equilibrium- Working as a cleaner in the museum, not really providing for his son and unstable finances/ Living in a racist society but happy life with his father (single parent) (flashback)
Disruption- where the gang people put lupin over the balcony/ attempt of stealing the neckless /His father wrongly accused and death.
Recognition- The gang attacking Lupin for the neckless./ Realising he's alone, his father very traditional standards and rejection to those roles.
Attempt at solving the disruption- The police chase after the gang people./ Him stealing the neckless for revenge
New equilibrium/ Resolution- They caught the bad guys but not Lupin. Investigator suspicious of Lupin. Him visiting his family/ He gets away with the neckless and he's quite happy with his new life.
Non linear structure, lots of flashbacks, inappropriate age gap, overview of Assane's plan and talking through his plan at the end. Also explains how Babakar's mistreatment led to central conflicts of the narrative.
The non- linear narrative is also used to misdirect the audience, adding to the tension and suspense in the first episode.
Neale - Genre Theory
He talks about what genres are, about how and why they are created, change endure or decline. Genre is a process by which generic codes and conventions are shared by producers and audiences repetition in media. Genre is not fixed but constantly evolving with new additions to the generic corpus, often playing with the codes and conventions/ becoming hybrids with other genres.
Its useful with the primary development to explain film genre, but can be applied to LFTVD as this is the most filmatic forms of tv output, requiring an intertextual relay of pre-publicity and reviews to generate the large audience required.
Limitations many LFTVDs have the resources to rely on elements such as high production values, star system, tone and exoticism rather than genre to market them selfs.
Lupin- crime/ thriller/ mystery/ heist( genre codes and convention for heist- voice over, replay flashback, slow motion) , twists to the plot, casing to the joint, gang, plan and robbery. No star vehicle, but also the name of the series indicates the genre form the book the Gentleman Burglar.
Programs that Lupin follows in term of Genre - Oceans 11, Sherlock Holmes, Money Heist.
Lupin - Heist, strong protagonist, Negative police due to Criminal mc, others focused on criminals.
Both KE and Lupin have serious social issues/ themes addressed.
Intertextual Relay in Lupin- Published on Netflix, advertised through Netflix.
The genre appeals to the audience through the many genres used in Lupin, more for the audience to see.
Different - the gang is hopeless, robbery is not central to the plot, uses elements of police procedural at the end, family drama between Assange and his son. The family drama is more important and focuses more of their bond rather than the heist.
Todorov and Neale Trailer practice :
Equilibrium- Tokyo being on the run.
Disruption - Doing the heist and being part of a criminal team
Recognition- The police trying to catch them
New equilibrium- Still fighting and being criminals, new people on their side.
Crime and thriller, action, romance, mystery.
Tuesday 30th January 2024
Lupin - Context
L/O: To explore the context of the production, and contextual themes in set episodes.
Industry context
Written by an English writer and scripted in English, it was then translated by a French writer who co-wrote some of the episodes into a French setting and situation.
Internationally it has been very successful and this could be down to the fact it appeals to both audiences through the joint writing and fitting to the context of both cultures accurately. The articulture also shows that its in France along with quite some famous places shown. They also represent some of their culture in the episodes which the French would know and used accurately which was due to the co- writers.
Opening scene 0- 7:38 minutes
Media Language to create suspense and signify the genre
Camera work-
There are several compelling representations in this drama, including that of Assange, the Pellegrini family, the representation of Babakar when Assange was a teen and the throughout -provoking depiction of the Black immigrant experience.
The success of the drama perhaps partly stems from the interplay of dominant and witty subversion of stereotypes. Despite being the protagonist Assange is very aware that he is overlooked by the authorities but he doesn't use it as a weakness. The scene where Assange explains to the drug-leader, Vincent, 'See, you underestimate me.. just like they do' alluding to the power imbalances between the working class and upper class that exist in contemporary Paris. This can also be said to the mise-en-scene with the clothing when they are cleaning their cloths look almost prison like with the tracksuit and benne.
Economic context:- money
Lupin is set in Paris, capital of France whereas in Killing Eve is set in quite a few different locations around Europe which we can see that KE has more money for productions.
Lupin has won two awards and one of them was for the most popular French film. And thats why they had a lower budget and it turned out to be very successful on Netflix
Social context:- about people and social groups,
Class KE one middle class whereas LP has more class and highlights the class division. But the majority of french people live on the outside of Paris and are known to be stuck in poverty 80% of the population. This shows that there is a very big divide between the rich and poor. Crime is one of a number of indicators of social decay or at best decline
Culture context:- about the culture of a country and what they do
France is known for being the highest rank for gender equality.
This was released in 2021 during the global pandemic when home entertainment and Streaming services were in demand due to the fact everyone was home. The drama's success in English- speaking countries, such as USA, was partly due to it being immediately available in dubbed version which would automatically play in English if the audience member was detected to be in an English-speaking country. Bela Bajaria, Head of Global Tv at Netflix, suggests viewing non-English language programs by Netflix's American subscribers increased by 67% between 2019 and 2021.
Intertextual references:- things that have been referenced from another text.
Mona Lise wich is intertextually known. The book Arsene Lupin Gentleman Burglar. Shots of the Eiffel Tower in the episode and the Louvre reference countless films and tourist texts. The shows of the rough banlieue reference that seats in French Tv ( La Haine). Lupin links to the Pink Panther and the Saint.
Historical context:- things that happened at the time of production.
The pandemic
Political context:- Government/ political issues mentioned.
Political moves in France against immigrations and quite far right viewpoints. This can be seen through Lupin.
Monday 5th February 2024
Lupin- Male Characters
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.
What representations of men do we think we might see in Lupin:
Assane- Strong and determined, skilled, unreliable as a father and provider, unstable
The dad-
Rich man(Mr Relegrini)- Cheat and manipulative
The gang/ Loan Sharks- Criminal, negative, stereotypical male in appearance( muscular gang member). Weak, inadequate, lack of education(the weaker gang member)
The man that made the fake necklace( Benjamin)- Skilled
Police - skilled at the end (1).
Scene Analysis [ 5:23-11:32] How are they represented?
Assane- intelligent, agile, fits in the lower class, challenges the gang
The gang- threatening/ violent, quick to act, blunt, rude, lazy, desire money, greedy, pray on vulnerable, lack of education. NEGATIVE
His father (Babakar)- friendly, polite, intelligent/ skilled, language use, gentlemen, chivalrous. Social awareness (of the inequality)
Sound- music change to put a dark tone in. Dialogue of Assane we see his smart with editing and camera
Camera- areal shot, tilt to show the location of the gang which is a lower class.
Mise en scene-
Contextual issue [5:23-11:32]
class divide in the dialogue about him not being seen.
Compare and contrast the way that men are first represented to the audience Lupin.
Men in Lupin are represented very different in the beginning of the episode. Assange we can see through his dialogue that he is intelligent when he is talking about the plan for the robbery and going into very detailed explanation but we can also see that he also in his dialogue he mentions the class divide and how ' they see them but not really look at them'. Even if he is really smart he is still part of the lower class this can be seen with the mise on scene with his clothes and also through camera work when they show him working as a cleaner in the museum with the long shots of him pushing the cleaning supplies, the areal shot of the lockers where the cleaners go. Butler can be applied since we see that Assane is a very smart individual but he is willing to seem weaker just to prove to the gang members that he is different than them and wont be pushed around, which links with how he is performing that gender roles.
Whereas, the gang members are very different from Assane. Even though they are all lower class which we can see with the camera work of a arial shot to show the location of the flat and the mise en scene of the clothing. We can see that they aren't the smartest which would be due to the lack of education and lack of money. Which links with Frances class divide which links with the economic issues.
Tuesday 6th February 2024
Lupin- Characters
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.
Assange the Gentleman: [12:06-18:54]
The scene at the auction.
What happens in the scene-
- he is taking on the role as a higher class to go to the auction
- the history of the neckless
- flashbacks
-pool scene establishes characterisation
-car scene racial/class discrimination
- the gang being cleaners
How is Assange represented-
-confident, successful, outcast - awkward - segregation is felt - invite and body language of the people around him
Why is this scene important to the plot-
- the background of the necklace helps the audience understand why they are stealing it along with the flashbacks to show the backstory of Assange and the Pelligrini's.
Highlight class difference in French society how-
How is Mise en scene used to show this-
His clothes being fancy and clean, lighting and setting - contrast between the cleaners and the higher class ( levi strauss binary opposition). The graceful camera movement of slow motion of the necklace and the low angle of Assange which shows the power of the two.
The class difference - cloths, positioning above us below, setting.
Gilroy applies to this scene due to the history of the necklace and emphasises and glorifying the white family for retrieving it which shows the power of the white wester civilisation. The Peligrini's have a pool and a personal driver which reflects the superiority of the white westerns even though they speak bad to them. However the flashbacks go against Gilroy since its making us not like the Pelligrini's and criminalising them but the immigrants are liked.
The black Atlantic suggests the way in which black cultures blend elements of different African, American, Caribbean and European cultures. Post colonialism suggests suggests the ways in which colonial history continues to influence attitudes to ethnicity with an assumption of the superiority of white western cultures.
Gilroy draws attention to the superiority of white western culture- across a range of representations.
The history of colonialism continues to influence attitudes to ethnicity in western societies. Britain has failed to mourn its loss of empire, creating ' postcolonial melancholia', an attachment to an airbrushed version of Britain colonial history, which expresses itself in criminalising immigrants and an 'us and them' approach to the world founded on the belief in the internet superiority of the white western civilisation.
In Lupin we see that the buildings of flats look a lot like Britains. Also criminalising the black/ immigrants which we see with Babakar.
Compare the contrast the way that contextual issues are represented to the audience.
The main contextual issues that are mentioned are racial and class division. We see this a lot within France and this is shown in Lupin in the auction scene. Where we see Assane dressed in a fancy suit and going inside but also we see the gang disguised as the cleaners and making it through as well.
Mise en scene really emphasises the differences through the lighting and the set itself. We have high key lighting that really focuses on the neckless which shows the importance of it.
Monday 19th February 2024
Race and Class -Lupin
L/O: To explore the social context of class and race through the characterisation in set products.
Starter: explain the different connotations of how the two antagonists are portrayed through their costume, hair and makeup
With Villanelle - a female which goes against the stereotypical spy/thriller genre.
-Dressed up in feminine clothes wearing make-up and hair done, she looks very normal and innocent. Even though she's and assassin. Middle class
With the gang form Lupin- Stereotypical gang
- A muscle man in the gang wearing a tank-top in run down place,
- Low class males, casual clothing. Loan sharks.
They are very different.
What is the stance of France on immigration?
Most of France have a strong negative perceptions of the impact of immigration. Very few think its positive. Very far right. France has built more selective immigration system that welcomes students and well-educated workers but enacts restrictions for asylum seekers.
What is the stance of France on class division?
There is a big class divide from the suburbs and the central France, they are very excluded and looked down on which makes the suburbs hates them. The suburbs also have high crime rates, low healthcare and poverty. The police wont do anything since they are so excluded.
How is multiculturalism presented in KE?
In KE multiculturalism is very positive with Sandra Oh which she's Asian/Canadian also Elena which she's black (don't know where she's from). Also Konstantin his represented positively even if he is one of the bad guys he has his good moments. Villanelle the character is Russian which portrays them being the bad guys.
This shows that London/ England is a welcoming and positive with a lot of different people.
How is immigration and multiculturalism presented in Lupin?
A lot of discrimination and racism. They are shown as lower class and looked down on, which puts France in a bad light with immigration.
Class Issues in Lupin:
ethnic backgrounds, very little chat/ more practical, Low key lighting, dull colours, he's pleased when he got a new job, little trust between the guards and cleaners, shows the divide between the classes.
The Banlieue in Ghetto ( Suburbs)-
Graffiti, illegal, lack of control, order and care of the place, dull lighting. He's wearing a hoodie with his hood up.
Camera work arial shot to show the places not a lot of grass or trees very little life just dull buildings. Tilt to emphasise the hight of the flats and the amount of people. Very small living space, big graffiti on the wall, guy playing video games.
Gang in action-
The dude aggressively tapping the buttons hoping it will work. He picks the wrong car, and gets told of and lack of awareness and knowledge.
Race Issues in Lupin:
The electioneer says he didn't expect someone like him to get the necklace, he says because he's young.
Flashback with Babakar-
Him getting accused of stealing the necklace, the police doesn't getting both sides of the story, the wife doesn't mention what she said to him.
run down place- criminals, lack of education. (class signs)
Rich- fancy places, suits, a lot of money mainly males. (class signs)
Race- ethnicity stereotypically looked down upon, criminalisation, accusation of crime. (Race signs)
Bell Hooks-
The rich males are mainly white and when Assan buys the necklace the electioneer tells him he didn't expect someone like him to buy it. Babakar is looked down on and incriminated for something he didn't do this further shows the white superiority through those actions.
We don't have a lot of woman or in power except the daughter of the Pellegrini which is sexualised power. The black woman in the cleaning lower class no power.
Levi- Stauss-
Rich and Poor
Educated- lack of educated
White and black
Tuesday 20th January 2024
Representation- Gender- Lupin
L/O: To explore the social context of gender through the characterisation in set products.
Van Zoonen: feminist theory and how females being objectified, gender roles performs of gender not who we are but what we do. Gender expectations. Historical and cultural context can impact gender roles. Patriarchy in control.
Gauntlett: Identity and how they change over time, also you can pick elements that you identify with and what you don't you leave alone. Or finding out parts of your identity through representations of characters.
What representations of gender do we find in Lupin?
Who are the woman that are represented?
-His ex wife - she is independent single mother, but still willing to give him a second chance, lack of power, at the mercy of men.
- Mrs Pellegrini - quick to act, lack of power
-Juliet- sexual objectified.
- Female cleaner- lacking character, gets played, not respected (Bell hooks can be applied)
The gang- lower class, unorganised, aggressive traditional masc,
Mr Pellegrini/ orcioneer- put together, looking down on people, superiority/ class.
Assan- put together, trying to change for his son, hard life, likeable, underdog, not perfect life, not steady job, educated
Babakar- nice, sensitive masc, educated/ thoughtful, gentleman.
Hall representation- stereotypes, ideologies, theres not one true meaning, what is absent and how they are constructed should be pulled apart to identify what they tell us about ideology.
Social Issues in Lupin:
Racial inequality- Ethnic people are looked down on, flashback/ auction
Class inequality- Cleaners not wanting to be seen, the gang living in the suburbs.
White patriarchal/Capitalist society-
Social Issues in Killing Eve:
Gender equality- Woman being in high power Eve
Multiculturalism as everyday life-
Career focused woman-
Demonisation of Russia- We have Konstantin and villanelle who are Russian and are the bad guys then we have the MI5 and secret forces as the good guys.
How are the lead protagonists in Lupin and Killing Eve used to reflect societal issues?
In Lupin we see the racial and class inequality issues reflected through Assan. We see him working a lower class job as a cleaner in the opening with an arial shot we see other ethnic people in the lockers in the same job. Also we have over the shoulder shot of the guards checking their supplies which shows the mistrust between the classes. The dull lighting we can see reflect how the lower class people are viewed since during the auction there is a lot of high key lighting which really emphasises the difference in class and how its looked down on. Which links with how France pushes the lower class to the suberbs which have a higher rate in crime and poverty but they don't do anything to help them not even the police.These are called the banlieues. We clearly see this in Lupin with the gang members and with the areal shot of where they live in these big flats. The stereotypes of gang members is reinforced with the mise en sene used of the sports wear and also the tattoos, which links with the theory of Barthes with the signs of gangs and criminals.
For the racial issues it links with how France isn't the most welcoming country to immigrants and have far right negative views about them, they have laws to keep as little of them coming in with just business and educational people allowed. Which is shown with Assan's father Babakar and him being falsely accused of stealing and incriminated just because there was a white person in power the police didn't even bother to hear his side of the story. Barthes can be applied since we see the signs of race as being looked down on and criminalised. Also Bell Hooks would work here with the white supriority of the Peligrini family and how they are looking down on Babakar, we see through the mise en scene that they are rich and in power with how they are dressed poshly, also how the room is decorated through props.
Whereas, in Killing Eve there is more gender equality and multiculturalism that are shown. We have the character Elena which is a female black character in a high position as a helper in the MI5 and is treated like a normal person which we can see throughout her interaction through the dialogue with Eve. Also it's emphasised through the shoulder level mid shots which isn't tilted either up or down which shows the equality. We also have Eve herself which is an Asian person that works at the MI5 and then near the end, ends up being in the secret forces. We can see how England is reflected as a more welcoming country to different ethnicities. We are also shown the demonisation of Russia in this episode with Villanelle and Konstantin with Villanelle being a assassin and Konstantin being her boss. Levi Strauss works really well here since we are shown the good vs evil and England vs Russia.
Monday 26th February 2024
Lupin- Representation-Gender
L/O: To analyse a section of scenes using accurate media terminology.
The gang is represented as unskilled and lack of education due to the not knowing that chloroform takes a while to work or maybe they mixed it with water by accident. The high angles and areal shot is used in the fight scenes to get a better view of it. Through the theory of Neale we expect the gang to be useful and everything to go to plan but it doesn't.
Mise en scene- the lighting is low key for the gang which almost looks prison like which contrasts with the high key lighting for the auction.
The people who hold power are seen to be white.
The upper class people in the auction are represented as fancy, put together people. The mise en scene of the suits and the hair done for the woman, show their power in society. Also through the dialogue and also the suits we can see that their rich since the suits look expensive also they are betting on the necklace. We see low angles of the Peligrini daughter along with the auctioneer we see that there is power to them. There isn't much multiculturalism in the auction hall there is mainly white french people and one black person which is our man character. We get a mid shot of miss Peligrini to see their reaction to Assane as he is betting a lot of money that people thought he didn't have, which shows how different cultures are viewed in the higher classes and society.
Mr Pellegrini- Represented as rude, rich, uncaring, disrespectful. Can be seen through his dialogue with Babakar and how he isn't paying him to read, then he walks out. How he is dressed and that he has a servant (Babakar) shows that he is rich. His house also looks expensive with all the decorations and the office that he has in his own home.
Mrs Pellegrini- Kinder than Mr Pellegrini, offers Babakar to get a book for his son. Apologises on her husbands be half. Probably reads since she recognises he book that Babakar picks. She doesn't talk back to her husband which shows that he has power over her can be seen through her body language. Isn't respectful towards Babakar, which also links to his class and his job as a server.
Babakar- He is polite. He is also smart since he knows not to talk back to Mr Pellegrini so he doesn't get in trouble.
Gang and Assane- they think that Assane will go back on his words so they double cross him before that. Assane is doing the plan way better than the gang and made no mistakes, whereas they did in the lockers and also when taking down the camera security guy. This shows that Assane is represented as a more smarter and skilled character whereas the gang is un organised and less skilled than him.
Levi Strauss: binary opposition
Rich/ poor- The gang is destined to fail. The rich are meant to be intelligent but they are represented for us to not like them and challenge the ideologies. Also the ideologies shown with inequality is ridiculous and also the heist is ridiculous
education/ uneducated,
power/ cunning- He's cunning and stealing and the police is on him by the end of it, the bad guys don't normally get away with it, but we like Assane because we know his background story, and they don't want to promote/idolise crime and its actually quite negative to be cunning.
insider/ outsider, equality/ inequality, exploitation/ caring for others.
The shots used to highlight Assane's mistrust in equality are over the shoulder when they are talking and then they pause which makes the facial expressions more highlighted.
The close up and mid shot to emphasise his facial expressions.
The editing is used to emphasise his link to the necklace and the severity of the racism his father experienced through a flashback. In the flashback we see that the necklace is stolen when they move the camera back, also the fast paced shots emphasise the tension in the room. He was wrongly accused of stealing the necklace and then about to be called something.
The camera shots that emphasise injustice would be mid long shot where we see him getting held back when Mr. Pellegrini is about to call him something and the police is trying to calm him down but not call out Mr. Pellegrini which shows the injustice. Then we have the long shot of him getting dragged out without him explaining his side of the story.
Barthes :
connotation with the white gloves as delicate and valuable which links to the posh and rich. The tattoos is stereotypically linked with gangs and violence which is portrayed through the loan sharks. In the Babakar scene we see that its a study room with a lot of books its decorated quite elegant and sophisticated and a secret safe hidden this suggests that the Pellegrini is powerful, educated and rich. We see that if Assane gets rich he isn't going to be in as much power as him, and the ideology that is repeated is that education and money gives you power and Assane isn't as powerful.
We can see this through one of the gang member when he thought that by pressing the buttons it looked like he was hacking it but was actually doing nothing. Also the influence with chloroform and how it acts instantly when it doesn't.
Tuesday 27th February 2024
establishing shot- not stereotypically looking prison, no guards/guns, windows, quite relaxed
long shot, close up on him hanging
thunder, gloomy music, no grave stone.
" thank you ma'am, go to hell ma'am"
The use of an establishing shot and gloomy intense music fills in the narrative since we are introduced to a new place within the story. They show not a stereotypical prison, with fences and no guards outside, or guns. The prison looks like a theme park. There are a lot of windows, also the prisoners have a more relaxed place to be. The French law and justice are represented with a low angle of the police man looking down at Assane, which could show that the law doesn't like immigrant people or people of other race. Near the end of the flashback we hear thunder at the burial which could be used to show how Assane is feeling with pathetic fallacy. The use of non diegetic music is also at the most intense at this point which could link to the feelings that Assane is feeling. The use of dialogue to mock the idea of being a gentleman is used when Assane says " Thank you ma'am, go to hell ma'am" to insult Mrs Pellegrini in a nicer way. He is mocking her by saying 'ma'am' to make her feel bad with the false use of respect and how she didn't stand up for his father and she's the reason why he's dead.
Lupin- media language- genre
We see the action, police procedural and crime, mystery through the mise en scene used in the clothing and props used. We see the car hanging from the roof which linked with the car chase before hand, the shards on the floor along with the make up used to show the bruises on the auctioneer shows ambush. The crime element can be seen with the close up of the necklace which was the main objective of the stealing. The elements of crime drama are shown with the police being suspicious of main character, also them getting away with it. The conventions of police procedural are shown with the detective being suspicious and wanting to interview everyone. Also the other police people on scene looking for clues and the necklace which will be examined at the lab, which we discover this through dialogue and the mid shot of the police person holding the bag.
Tuesday 5th March 2024
Media language and representation analysis
L/O: To analyse a selection of scenes using accurate media terminology.
Neal - what are the audience expecting what is different
Genre represented- crime and thriller, police prosegal
intense car crash into the museum, on going heist conversations.
Police prosegual- close up shots of the gang being arrested, face smashed into the floor. Role of police talking about the necklace close up, main police man leather jacket casual wear, old fashion style of a rogue police man mise en scene, body language tight, more confrontation, separate from the suits. Over the shoulder for the interrogation shows no symphony, serious face. Close up of the police and evidence bag
Neale- The biggest surprise for the audience is the merging of the genres, cat and mouse early on, make them want to watch the protagonist is going up against the police, the heist doesn't go to plan which is different and least expect
The dialogue shows the genre. Police are not the protagonist
Social realism- when the text or character reflects the issues within society, meant to reflect real life
mise en scene- Sky scrapers show the class divide, the Tv is old, small living space, fan means its hot, basic, functional, flat. Small kitchen, a expensive book means its main birthday present. He's very grateful for the book that he cares for means that there is not a lot of terms of material possession.
The social realist element of a divided France is through the mise en scene. The sky scrapers show a lot of flats that you wouldn't see in central France also the inside of the flat is very small and suffocating since we see a fan which means no air conditioning, the small kitchen, the clothing drier is inside which means no balcony to do it outside. These all show how the lower class is given a space to just survive rather than live whereas through the Pellegrini's we see that its very different. This all shows social realism through he character Assane in the flashback of his childhood. We see that he is really grateful for his book and that he takes great care, this reflects that there is not a lot of material possession within the lower class in France, and also how their living conditions is just the bare minimum.
The escalation of racial divide is shown through the news on the Tv explains the thief of the necklace. They don't say his name or age just where is from which is demonising him. This shows how differently immigrants are treated in France and is reflecting the racial issues within France, with the laws and how France isn't the most welcoming country.
Audience theories Bandura and Gerbner:
Bandura - the media influence people directly
- the media can influence directly/indirectly through related platforms such as social media so we can become influence by the media without being exposed to any. Media representations.
Gerbner- Draws attention tot he need to investigate the longer term effects on individuals who consume LFTVD Box-sets. Violent rep suggests that TV programmes create the belief to the audience that the world is a dangerous place with negative events. Mean world, mistrust since we see the repetition through texts. Tv should be regulated to avoid harm.
Lupin- were fearful of hate in society as Gerbner would say. Rejecting certain behaviours that we see Bandura
Assanes real life in the flash in the flashback is shown as luxurious we can see this with the mise en scene with the book shelfs the mac, the view on the window. The mise en scene that reveals his identity and class would be the different clothes he has in the closet to play different roles within society shows that he is wealthy in a way.
His roles/ characters show the difference in French society with the cleaner/ person asking for a loan contrasts him at the auction and when he is visiting Benjamin to get the fake necklace. The clothing is different the suits with the casual clothing the attitude is also different he is more confident in the suit to really sell his play.
The unrealistic nature of a heist would be them checking wiki for his identity also the police pesedual they would of done the interview and there would of been more of it.
Monday 11th March 2024
Baudillard- simulations in the postmodern world and hyperreality which are more 'real' than the real world and hyperreal are the reality of representations of representations which don't show reality.
Post modern text: Lupin
intertextuality- The book, the museum, wiki, music( vile), iconic locations.
Irony- his plan all along, the gang is useless
Homage- the story of Lupin, respectful
Fragment- going back to the beginning his point of view.
Loss of reality- his plan is not realistic
Lack of Verisimilitude- the society of France is real, not true with the book and police.
Hyperreality- of France and how society is
simulacra- way to crowded
Monday 11th March 2024
Viewpoints and ideologies
L/O: To explore viewpoints and ideologies the set text.
Todorovs narratology:
Equilibrium- living with his father, flashback
Disruption- father dead
Recognition- when he sees it on the news
Attempt- the heistNew Equilibrium return to his family, positive with his son, has necklace.
Viewpoints and ideologies
Individualism- a habit of being self reliant, independent
Consumerism- buying stuff you want
Patriarchy- politics, leaders, government, men being in control.
Ethnocentrism- belief that your own culture is normal/ natural and that other cultures are inferior/ strange.
Leaving the Louve and concluding the heist scene:
You see the beauty of Paris, no necklace the harsh reality, with necklace the beauty of Paris and leaving that world behind.
Family scene: close relationship, separated but positive co parenting, contrasts the beginning of where son doesn't want to see him, dialogue very negative.
Narrative concluded- family concluded life is great again his story is done
Narrative extended- the police at the end when they see something is wrong that starts a new narrative.
Gilroy- ethnicity and post colonialism
England empire colonising places and superiority of white western civilisations. Gilroy draws attention to the continuing role of colonial ideologies- of the superiority of white western culture- across a range og representation. Colonising immigrants as an us them approach.
Pellegrini patriarchal order, controls wife.
Lack of feminity, wife still inferior (Assanes wife)
Assanae pretends to be victim and helpless, victim of racism but not made to be one stereotypically.
Not very difficult representations expllored, sexuality, feminist, black atlantic.
Tuesday 12th March 2024
Lower class- criminalised, looked down upon, casual clothing, uneducated, poor
Rich- looking down, posh, disrespectful, educated, suits, mainly men, controlling, powerful
Police- not trust worthy, smart near the end, un skilled, one step behind intelligent
Migrants( Assane and Babakar)- looked down on, smart, criminalised, mistreated, close, loving, positive, hard working, committed, resilient
Family unit- close, single mother cold, split parent disagreeing over money,
Racism- miss trust, looking down, inferior,
Baudrillard linked
Realist situation, real world issues in Lupin, not in KE as much more glossed over.
Events- family scenes as a child and split parents. Pellegrini and working for them also the cleaners in the Louve/ museum.
Characters- Babakar, Pellegrini, bitters, jeweller at the end.
Ideology- class divide, racism.
Narrative- flashbacks, family saga, migration for Babakar, losing a father.
Tuesday 12th March 2024
Lupin industry theory applied
L/O: To explore the industry theorists and how these can be applied to the set text.
Tv productions, distribution and circulation:
American Tv has foloerf the free enterprise model which means commercial Tv became dominated by a few networks. Providing a narrowing of opinions and profit over creativity and quality. HBO in the 90s, subscription and satellite meant less adverts and better quality programming which goes against Curran and Seaton. This made way for services as Netflix and other streaming services
Curran and Seaton
Curran and Seaton do not believe the internet a level playing field for diverse voices to be heard.
Ownership and control are the most significant factors in how the media operate over creativity and quality. Media industries follow the normal capitalist pattern of increasing concentrations of ownership in fewer and fewer hands, which means that there is less ideologies and very similar representations.
Hesmondhalgh theory: cultural industries
Cultural production is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates who vertically integrate across a range of media to reduce risk ( if you own production, distribution then you don't lose as much money)
Risk is particularly high if the production costs is high so they rely a lot on bg hits to cover the costs of failure. Industries rely a lot on repetition through use of stars, genre, franchises (like marvel), repeatable narratives.
The internet has not transformed cultural production in a liberating empowering way. Lupin was produced by Netflix a publicly traded company, it reflects the economic contest of America of dree market capitalism, delivers goods the audience pay for.
Killing Eve was produced by Sid Gentle Films which is now the commercial arm of the BBC (they make money for BBC) BBC America is a channel co-owned by the BBC and AMC networks. Sales of programmes and formats since now you can find KE on Netflix since it was very successful.
Economic models:
Public funding - BBC
Commercial funding by advertisers- Antenna, RTL
Funding by subscription - Netflix
Sales of programmes and formats.
Technological change:
Network tv struggle due to adds. Audience wants to binge watch and not wait until next week for the next episode.
We don't have
Regulation: Livingston and Lunt
Ofcom mainly in Uk. Netflix doesn't have regulations due to not being based in the UK. The age ratings allocated by the BBFC in Britain are showed voluntarily on Netflix and Amazon. The Eu in 2018 passed a directive to include 30 percent of Eu originated content to operate.
Regulations are to protect and make sure its acceptable to it.
Ofcom is serving an audience who may be seen as consumers and/or citizens, with consequences for regulation:
Monday 18th March 2024
The show runner- an individual/ small team, usually a writer/ producer who places a personal stamp on the drama and gives it 'authored' quality.
Killing Eve- features different female writers who already had critical acclaim and recognition for their success. Phoebe Waller- Bridge season 1
Lupin- George Kay- wrote/ co- wrote all the episodes, he collaborated with Francois Uzan a Parisian, who translated the international themes in to a glamorous national French context.
Monday 18th March 2024
Lupin- Audience theory applied
L/O: To explore the audience theorists and how these can be applied to the set text.
Jenkins- Fandom
Applies to the range and diversity of representations offered by LFTVD to textual poachers who wish to use these products to create their own culture in fan sites.
Fans as textual poaches- taking elements from media texts to create their own culture.
The development of the 'new' media has accelerated 'participatory culture' in which audience are active and creative participants rather than passive consumers. They create online communities, produce new creative forms, collaborate to solve problems and shape the flow of media. This is also worldwide, since you can interact with anyone in the world in the fanbase.
From this perspective, convergence is a cultural process rather than a technological one. Jenkins prefers the term spreadable media to terms such as 'viral, as the former emphasises the active, participatory element to the new media.
Participatory culture- the idea that the development of new media allows the audience to be active and creative participants rather than simply passive consumers
Convergence culture- media is shared, adapted, and consumed constantly on a range of different platforms
Spreadable media- content that is adapted by audience members for their own purpose and shared with others.
Killing Eve and Jenkins: fandom-
-fanart (painting)
-birthday cards
-fan wiki
-fan edits
Lupin Jenkins: Fandom-
- fan wiki
- movie posters
Shirky- End of an audience
In the 'old' media, centralised producers addressed atomised consumers; in the 'new' media, every consumer is now a producer. Traditional media would filter then publish but many new media producers are not employers so they publish then filter.
These amateur producers have different motivations to those of professional- membership and generosity, competence. User- generated content creates emotional connection between people who care about something.
The audience as a mass of people with predictable behaviour is gone. Now, behaviour is variable across different sites, with some of the audience creating some synthesising content and some consuming content. The old media created a mass audience. The new media provide a platform for people to provide value for each other.
Technological developments have changed the relationship between media producers and audience.
Prosumers - have different motivations to professional media producers.
This can create cognitive surplus, where potentially large numbers of people give their time and expertise to create something.
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Exam practice -Lupin
L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan a comparative response to the set text.
Question 3 [30 marks] and 4 [ 10 marks].
Question 3
-Make a judgement= how far
-include all the context, history, political, economic, social, cultural
-theories industry, representation, audience, narrative
-theoretical framework, media language, audience, representation, industry.
Social groups:
age, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality.
1)-intro - respond to the question with an overall statement. If you fully agree or not. (industry- what do i know?)
2)social groups- 1-6 LP
- comparative comment
3)social group- 1-6 KE
4)social group- 2- 1-6 LP
- comparative comment
5)social groups- 2- 1-6 KE
Break down the question:
how social groups are represented in Lupin
Context that influence these reps
- far right politicians, covid lockdown at home watching tv. 2021
context that influence the audience
- home watching tv, addicted to watching tv
social groups represented KE
context link to these reps
females wote KE, its good non stereotypical, men are not a true representations
context that influence that creation of reps
me to movement empowerment for females,
context for the audience
russia bad,
van zoonen, gilroy, levi strauss, butler, hall, jenkins,
the productions are different, motivation, aim is different
genres are the same spy thriller, recognisable
race, class
age, gender, race
In long form Tv dramas social groups are represented differently most the time however, some social groups can be shown the same. This can be seen within Lupin and Killing Eve.
In Lupin we the social group of ethnicity shown through negative representations. This can be seen in the scene with Babakar getting arrested. We see through the dialogue that Mr Pellegrini was looking down on him and was even about to say something he shouldn't. Also with the fast pace editing that this was an intense moment. This links with the far right political viewpoints in France at the time in 2021, with their laws against immigrants and wanting to keep them out. Gerbner could be applied here since we see that this representation of the higher class and how they are treating the lower class could inflict fear among the ethnic groups around the world or in France and open peoples eyes on how the French society is treating different races and sending the message that this is bad which would then change peoples mindset. However, with Killing Eve we see that their social group about ethnicity is more equal. This can be seen with a different characters, but mainly Eve and Elena; they are both in a high paying job with the MI5.
Monday 25th March 2024
Question 4 Exam practice
L/O: To explore format for Q4 prepare a planned exam response.
10 marker where i will have to connect my case studies to a particular theory you've studied.
Barthes: 1-Study of signs and semiology- signifier and signified- meaning
2-Signs create denotations- literal meaning (2+3 are linked)
3-Connotations are created from these to create meaning
4-Connotations create myths in society and ideological meaning that are natural yes its useful- describes the tv world, reveal who is in power, reveals society, LP, KE
Limitations: too many themes might be used, social realist, black Atlantic doesn't apply. can be applied to anything, vague.
Evaluate how effective you find one of the following theories in understanding long form tv drama: Hall's theories of representation.
Representations implicates the audience in creating its meaning. It can also be whats present and what isn't and whats their stereotypes.There isn't one true meaning since meaning is constructed through stereotypes.
limitations: General theory of representations and not specific to LFTVDs.
P1: Hall talks about how representations are used to create meaning and how this meaning can change. It can also be whats present or not and their stereotypes which can show meanings.
P2: We can see that the representations in Killing Eve are positive which can be seen with how they portray gender equality. We have our main character which is a female working in a high paying job at the MI5 which is shown in the beginning of the episode, she is shown as a normal person, most the time which a lot of the audience would relate to. Whereas the things that we don't see is economic struggles. Due to all the characters being shown have good paying jobs in the first episode we don't really see any struggles economically. Which is what breaks the social realism that they have. The stereotypical people in power are men which is shown with the characters Frank and Konstantin, which both of them have a very masculine attitude towards work and the people around them. They help to create the meaning that Britain is a more welcoming place and while there are some stereotypical people, life isn't that bad.
P3: Whereas Lupin they focus more on the social struggles within the society of France with racism and class inequality with the representations of the cleaners at the museum. The stereotype shown are the ethnic groups that are the lower class, which is shown with an areal view of the locker room. Also later we see the suburb's and how it is on the outside of the city with very monochrome buildings except of the graffiti on the walls. Since graffiti is illegal and we see so much of it we can see that there is a high crime rate, also the stereotypical loan sharks group, with the mise en scene used with the sports wear the tattoos, small living space for three people. Racism is also shown with the main character Assane and how he is questioned when the auctioneer is saying ' i wasnt expecting someone like you here' which shows how other ethnic groups are not expected or seen nicely in power and questioned if they are really telling the truth. This is how representations are shown to portray the meaning of racism and Frances struggles with it in Lupin.
p4: There are some limitations with Bathes theory.
Maria- Lupin paragraph good analysis- Killing Eve focus on 1 representation and the stereotypes created, what ideological meanings does this create.
The stereotypical representations for gender equality can be seen with how everyone get treated fairly within the workplace and the different relationships in the first episode which we see with Eves interactions as well as Villanelles with Konstantin. Men are still in power which is stereotypical but we see that with Bill, he treats Eve fairly and looks out for her and is worried of her being in trouble in various of scenes whereas Frank treats Eve very differently and uses his power over her as her boss in the MI5. These stereotypes create the meaning that there are some men that are willing to change from these stereotypes of power and treating people differently to equality. Which will create more positive ideologies to the audience.
Monday 15th April 2024
Ideologies in media language.
Killing Eve
Individualism- Eve going by herself when she goes to the interview. Villanelle works as a team with Konstantin but she still does it her way.
Consumerism- the shopping bags, and also the silk bedding near the end.
Perspective- Eve a working woman within the MI5 which is a male dominated place that later becomes a spy. Villanelles assassinations through different countries.
Ethnocentrism- Supiority of Britain over Russia
Patriarchy- We see it through Frank and see that he isn't a nice boss.
Globalisation- We are shown different locations in the world, with the assassinations and how they are global. Also the KE series became really popular and is on streaming sites for anyone around the world to watch.
Individualism- Lupin using everyone around him to get his goal, as well as the
Consumerism- the necklace at the auction
Perspective- Life as a ethnic man in France.
Ethnocentrism- Babakar when getting arrested Mr Pellegrini was about to call him a slur, also criticism to
Patriarchy- White superiority over ethnic people. Even the police.
Globalisation- Intertextuality within France, cultures and people but there is a big racism issue.
Tuesday 23rd April 2024
Q3 exam practice
L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan a comparative response to the set text.
- judgement
-all theoretical framework (liar)
-context and theory
- analysis of the text
question answer
media lang
theory and context
judgement clear
break down the question/ bullet points
transfer to a structured plan:
context of production and consumption (KE n LP)
link Contextual points and theory
Conventions compared (KE n LP)
link to context and theory
viewpoints and ideology compared (KE n LP)
link context theory
conclusion and judgement
What are the context of production and consumption?
KE- production is through BBC also by a female team which means the people watched it on BBC and America BBC but then it got really popular and is now on streaming sites like Netflix. Mainly American viewers and London ideconography, clean icons like vienna. Theory- hesmengalgh lowering risk with stars Sandra oh and ensure profit, Neale- genre is well known, spy thriller translates to others and its a hybrid of genres (mystery, drama, spy thriller) female leads. Context- politics with Donald Trump, celebration of woman
LP- produced by Netflix and can only watch it on Netflix not as popular as KE. British writer translated into French which also meant globalisation and more seasons. Launched during covid which means more people watched it and it was more successful. It was successful for a foreign series but not as popular as killing eve. More content. Migration problems and far right politics movement, class division. theory- Livingstone and Lunt- regulations links with production context, Gilroy - ethnicity links with the white superiority context, Butler- gender performance.
What dominant conventions are followed?
KE- typical reps of shown and genre. MI5 being in charge, Russian being bad, stereotypes from the cold war (which is stereotypical in spy thriller). Assassinations. context- cold war, fear of the other, attempt murder of Russian spys on uk land. Theory- Gerbner, baudrillard (hypperreality) and hall( stereotypes and rep)
LP-Heist- aggressive, stereo group mentality, montage and editing, flashbacks show reality. Hero the underdog. Stereo across in term of social groups,
What viewpoints and ideologies are explored?
Monday 29th April 2024
Question 3
L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan an evaluative response to the set texts.
The representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within LFTVD's from different countries. Discuss how and why the audience might respond to and interpret these representations differently?
LFTVD's represent social, cultural and historical events very differently from their countries since every place is different. The audience do respond and interpret these events differently since we normally compare them to where we are from and the social norms in our country.
We can see this with Killing Eve and Lupin. With KE it was produced by a female team which affected the series quite a lot since the representations of woman are very different to the stereotypical ones. Also since it was published on BBC America but it was mainly filmed in England we see that the representations of Britain are more positive which is shown with the equality within the workplace and also how different ethnicities are treated. We see this at the beginning with Elena and Eve and how they are working together. The mid shot thats at shoulder level shows that they are equal and also through their dialogue we see that they are joking and acting like good friends. Since the series was released on BBC America and normal BBC it was regulated and the main audience was Americans however since the series became really popular it was also streamed on streaming services like Netflix. Whereas, Lupin was published only on Netflix and could only be consumed on there. This series was released during the lockdown where everyone was at home so the series became really popular because of it. Since this was a small budget film due to foreign films not doing as well this reduced a lot of risk since the production cost was lower. However they did well and made more episodes later on. Hasmondhalgh can be applied here since if the risk is high production cost is also high however this is the opposite. We can see this is a small budget film since we are only in one location which is France but that means we can focus on the social issues that France has with immigration.
We can see realism within Killing Eve with the intertextuality of different locations and buildings which we see throughout the episode mainly with Villanelle who is doing her assassination job. That shows the different cultures of the places, we also see famous places, Eiffel tower, the ice cream shop in France. Which the audience can recognise the places quite easily. With England we can see the MI5 which links with the genre of spy thriller, and that has an international recognition and the audience no matter the country their in are all familiar with the secret services. Neale and Baudrillard both link into this since Baudirillard talks about hypperreality which is more 'real' that the real world and how this is a simulation of the world which is correct; since they made a simulation of the MI5 due to not many knowing whats actually happening there. And Neale applies since this series is a hybrid of many genres that could explain why this series is so popular. Also this makes it more real since we are shown the life of our two main characters, Eve and Villanelle. This can be seen with the camerawork as well as editing/ sound with the close up of Villanelle killing the man by poking a syringe in his eye we see that she is enjoying it but also how the non diagetic music shows us the audience that she doesn't feel sorry for killing him; and right after hes dead the close up on her hand writing the designers name which really shows that she doesn't care.
Whereas, Lupins realism is shown through the social and political issues. There is a lot of intertextuality shown with the locations as well as the art pieces. The louve museum, the mona lisa, as well as the suberbs. But this series focuses on the racism within society. This can be seen with the areal shot of the lockers which we can see is just with immigrant workers no white people, and how the place they are working is shown in a more low key lighting whereas when the white people are at the auction they are more put together and in a high key lighting. The contrast of this shows how differently the people are treated. Also we can see that in the flashback how Babakar was horribly treated by Mr. Pellegrini and then falsely accused of stealing, and how the police didn't get his side of the story which can be seen in the fast paced mid shots of the people in the room while the discussion was happening.
In conclusion the audience will respond to and interpret the representations very differently due to the context of the LFTVD's and how they want to portray different people within them.
Tuesday 30th April 2024
Question 4
L/O: To explore the exam format, to plan an evaluative response to the set texts.
P1- breifly explain the aspects of the theory.
P2- why it useful and how it helps us understand, link to set prodct.
P3- why its useful exemplify this by linking to set product.
P4- why its useful exemplify this by linking set product.
P5- limits of the theory explain
P6 conclusion to evaluate overall usefulness of theory.
para 1- explains the theory
para 2- first stage of the theory both dramas
para 3- next stage of the theory both dramas
para 4- next stage of the theory both drama
para 5 limits to theory
para 6 conclusion and evaluation of theory
intro- he talks about semiotics and connotations and denotations that the signs make myths that become natural and normal. these reflect dominant values and ideological.
para1- in ke we see it with v and ice cream - innocent, childish,compassion. which makes kids shown to be more loved and innocent.
para2- in lp we see it more, the white gloves, sports ware, study room flashback. this makes different myths about the diffeent classes. useful for micro analysis
para3- limitations there may not be shown a lot of connotation represented within a lftvd so this results in less things to apply it to doesnt explain anything specific to LFTVDs since its a general theory, doesnt tell us how audience interpret television and give meaning.
conclusion- it can be applied to a lot of different texts but the only issue is how much signs the producers want to have conotations that reflect dominant valuses.
Barthes theory talks about how the signs and what they connote becomes a myth that becomes normalised and natural which then reflect the dominant values and ideologies of these denotations and connotations.
We see this in Killing Eve at the very beginning with Villanelle at the ice cream shop and the little girl. The slow zoom in on the girls face as she smiles at the man and Villanelle connote innocence since then the the next scene we have a close up on Villanelles watch as she wipes away the blood from it. Which emphasises the innocence of those around her who don't know that she killed someone. Then the camera is in front of Villanelle and goes in a quick close up when she knocks the ice cream over which can be seen as childish or funny.
In Lupin barthes applies more here since since there are more dominat representations they want to show through the different connotations. For example in the flashback to Assanes father Babakar we see the study room as it tracks Babakar. The amount of books and the nice desk and the fancy layout of the room connotes that Mr. Pellegrini is rich by the use of the mise en scene of the room. Which then shows the dominant ideologies and the social issues in France with the class divide problems. Also Mr. Pellegrini is a stereotypical white male in power that looks down on people. This can also be seen in after the auction with the white gloves which are the denotation sand the connotations are that they represent delicate and valuable which links with how they handled the necklace.
Tuesday 14th May 2024
L/O: To reflect on targets from the End of Unit Assessment.
theory: I've missed in the question 3
-living stone and Lunt- regulation for KE
-Gilroy as well as hasmendhalgh- ethnicity and risk for LP
-Neale - genre for KE and LP
Gerbner - LP
Gilroy links with Lupin because we can see that Babakar is being criminalised, and the representations of the character Babakar are a positive masculine man that is a good father as well as kind to others, which will make the audience side with him and like him more. This links to the far right views that the politics in France have with how Babakar is falsely accused for stealing which is seen in the flashbacks throughout the episode. Which shows that historical context does build the representations of characters through different events that happened at the time of production.
Since KE was regulated since it is published on BBC Three and BBC America, which links with Livingstone and Lunt theory of protecting the audience with regulations. It was later also streamed on Netflix and other streaming sites as it more popular and successful. Due to the series being regulated they couldn't get more gory since its a spy- thriller genre which means the series can be watched by a younger audience than normal spy-thriller series.
limitations-about media, not broadcast media, underestimating conglomorates.
intro about Shirky what did he say do a little more about Shirky. 3 points of theory.
apply to KE, LP: how is it any good to the eps,
apply to eps
apply to eps websites comments
limitations- about general media
conclusion it can apply but not as much as it could with general media. does it work to analyse?
13/11- Excellent start to the unit and investigating the genre.
ReplyDelete27/11- Good description and analysis of the text. T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles.
Delete6.Theory reference Van Zoonen.
11/12- Very good opening and lots of clear textual detail.
DeleteT: 4, 5+6- You need to ensure that you fully explain how this scene impacts/creates her representation, then try to tackle 5 and 6.
22/1- Excellent analysis and contextual comments, T: 6- Theory explain Butler in a little more, how does she apply to what you are saying here. also &- next paragraph to contrast.
Delete20/2- Good overall structure used to address the question and use of both texts.
DeleteT: Try to proof read to ensure that your work makes sense and is clear.
4.Link to areas of the theoretical framework.
5.Link to a context (Histroical, social, cultural, political, economic).
6. Include reference to theory that backs up your original point.