A level Skill Development

Friday 8th September 2023

Skill Development

L/O: To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief.

Indie album covers ideas:

Cold War Kids album covers:

The style is quite vibrant colours but have an old vibe to them. The photos can vary from very simple to complicated designs. 

The band that I took inspiration from is Cold War Kids which are a indie rock band. Their style either is photos with the band or simple photos of objects/ surroundings. Their band formed in 2004 and are still going to today.

The album that I liked the most is  L.A Drive which I took some songs from there.

Thursday 14th September 2023

Name - Sebastian Dinosaur 

Genre- Indie Rock

Style - vibrant colours but old kinda vibe

Album name -  Doolittle 


little dino              tiny town

funny little frog      we're not alone

legal man              lightning bulb 

free to breathe       luck down

can we hang on       part of the night

dates tour:

Jan 31, 2024 San Francisco, California

Feb 1 2024 Berlin, Germany

Mar 18,2024 Madrid, spain

May 22,2024  Colorado , USA

Jul 15, 2024 L.A. US

Aug 23,2023  Ottawa Canada

font change to match

blur the back cover soo you can see the text

indesign align the text on the tour poster also make Seb dino straight

more pages on website

put the Sebastian dinosaur in a line

more dates for each also more specific where


  1. I love the dinosaur!
    Well done. Going forward we need to look at how you can bring in your Graphics work effectively.


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