Homework mrs Busby :)

Monday 18th September 2023

Peaky Blinders: S2 ep2

Baudrillard Theory

Parody- Tom and Mr. Campbell interact and Tommy makes fun of Campbell for being shot by a woman and says "that must of hurt as much as it does when being shot by a man but just more shameful." Then Campbell gets mad and tells Tom that he will walk to the gallows when healed because he killed someone.( forgot what happened since haven't watched it in ages.)

Dark humour ( Love Polly great woman.)

Intertextual references due to the subtly mentioned great war involving France, and Tommy was in in the battle while Polly was taking care of the business while he was away. And now he has to go to London so he doesn't get killed and he said to someone that she's in control and if he doesn't return at all she is in control for good.

Monday 25th September 2023

Money Heist 

Gauntlett & Butler Theory 

Identity can be seen in the episode when the witness is doing a replica of the mastermind on the computer for the police to identify him. You can see how your physical identity is very important and how easily recognisable it is for others around.

Later on the female detective which is on the case which is to save the hostages she gives the order that she's going in there alone though she is still in a mans world since the man above her told her that she only has two hours or else they are using force. She went in there and it all went successful and even spilled the secret of one of the people that are doing the heist. (might not make sense).

Monday 2st October 2023

VanHelsing the opening 

The 3 female vampires can be seen as objectified because of their revealing cloths when they are first seen at the beginng where as Dracula is covered. This is how Van Zoonen applies to VanHelsing.

Gender roles applies through the men trying to break into Victors building while he's creating Monster Frankenstein they are very violent and ready for battle. Though Butlers theory also doesn't apply at the same time since gender roles seen to be broken as Frankenstein seems to be more gentle and kind than the stereotypical male roles.

Butlers theory could also apply when the female vampires take their offsprings hunting and them leading the way into town since the female gender provides the food and care for the children. This can be seen in lions as well as the female is the one to hunt and the male is more territory battle which can be seen in Van Helsing.

Monday 9th October 2023

Money Heist 

The police are saving the 16 hostages that sucessfuly escaped the people on the heist tried to stop them from escape them but didn't stop them in time. This all happened after the bad met the good Levis theory applies here since the good is dependent on the bad and are waiting for them to mess up to have an opening and visa versa.

Monday 30th October 2023

Print advertisement Dior


You can see Johnny Depp on the cover which he's presented as a strong and put together individual by the way he's nicely dressed and his body language. He isn't in any way objectified/ sexualised or meant to look as a toxic masculine person he is just a normal man that takes good care of himself. You can see he's the main focus point since he's the only one on the cover of Dior Sauvage perfume.

Monday 6th November 2023


TV drama

Media language- voice over at the beginning while introducing one of our main characters. With a birds eye shot to show us the location.

Representation- The police is represented positively and also hard working trying to catch the bad people throughout the episode and also help the man that is mentally suffering. 

Industry- they had a good budget this can be seen with the cast they had and also throughout the filming and the location used.

Audience - since at the time the police was very negatively viewed by the people however in this tv drama they showed that it isn't the case and they are hardworking and wish the best for the people.

Context- the police was badly viewed in 2011 and a lot of chaos appeared. 

Monday 13th November 2023

Spy thriller TV drama 

24 season 1 episode 1 ( Don't think I did it right )

Not your stereotypical spies they are not in suit mainly just normal clothing. This can be seen through the miss en scene used and also time is very important since this whole episode is just what happens in an hour 12am-1am and a lot happens. The terrorist seems to be a woman I think so far since she exploded a plane and then also the group of teenagers seem suspicious near the end when they missed a turn and they look like they did it on purpose and are driving somewhere else.

Also the terrorist department that are working for the government seem not so good since they blackmailed a government agent to get information that could lead to finding the terrorist. They also not in suits or fancy clothing while working some are but mist of them are in comfy clothing. 
