Homework Miss Mac :)

 Friday 6th October 2023


Shot type: Wild shot 

We can see Salazars ship reach its doom this is important to the narrative because this is a few moments before the ship becomes cursed and Salazar wants his revenge.

Framing: Four shot

While the ship is getting blown up the crew is divided in different frames but I like the one where there is specifically just four people because one of the dudes half of his head is gone and I always wondered how that happened and it looked really cool. So this really makes you focus on the diffrened details that you might of been curious about earlier in the film

Camera angle: Birds eye view

When young Jacks ship does a sharp 'U' turn and Salazar's ship sails straight into the devils triangle and into his doom.This was used because we can see Jack excaping his death and also this piece of information is important to the narrative.

Camera movement: Tracking 

Young Jack can be seen walking smugly away from Salazar in victory and also mocking him while swinging the compass. The series of shots between them two flicker to show their facial expression as they pass one another with a mid-close up shots. While Jack is smug, Salazar is in an almost realisation that he has lost. 


  1. A great start Maria.
    Firstly - what is a WILD SHOT??
    WWW: you have linked the shot type and framing to the narrative
    EBI: you look specifically at why that specific shot was chosen at that moment and what it is that we are being shown. Then you can link that to the narrative as a whole.


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