NEA/ mid terms FEEDBACK

Friday 29th November 2024
Feedback Miss Mac

25 marks product 1
25 marks website
10 marks digital convergence

Magazine 8/25
- great images
- good amount of text
- layout great start on both
- clear genre

- proof read
- look at layout of contents pages
- ensure clear style link between C&C
- include link to website

Website 8/25
- good hp layout
- pages added
- content suitable 

- Images
- Linked page and video
- Consider choice of linked page
- Add more digital convergence

Digital Convergence 2/10

WEEK A- Thursday 2nd
WEEK B- Thursday 1st

Q3- media language and representations
- focus on the question
- 3 points for a 10 marker
- social groups mentioned with audience
- aiming to sell the product

in general: 
- advertising use reps to construct views to address different targets.
(RI advert is part of campaign)
- stereotypes help with representation
- multiple meanings constructed through combinations of elements and rep
- aspirational viewpoints which may represent a range of meanings (RI)
- answer firsts in general advertising then focus on set text 
- un controversial to avoid alienating audience

Q4- media language and representation
- theoretical framework (media language)
- genre conventions 
- make judgement/ conclusion (IMPORTANT) 5 marks
- don't describe the cover 
- how it appeals to the audience
- distribution methods
- context where relevant
-25 mins

Big issue is a magazine
mostly challenges
split masthead, percentage of cover takes up, slogan, ideologies to homelessness, graphics style of it, two features only. 
magazine conventions:
vibrant colour palette
big bold masthead (split masthead challenge)
its has mainstream conventions even if its layered different

Targets for the two questions
- revise for both of them
- make a judgement for Q4
- what are genre conventions for magazines and adverts


Wednesday 4th December 2024
Midterm feedback mrs Busby
Do Now:
- read comments
-LIAR- Theoretical framework, media language, industry, audience, representation
- contexts- about KE and LP, social, political... 
- intertextuality- a reference of something else in a text,
- theories to include- Gilroy,  Butler, Neale, Barthes, Hall, Hesmondhalgh

TV Drama mid term comments

Q3: not the right theory for the question with intertextuality
Didn't quite understand the question and how it appeals to the audience.

Q4: I needed to do the same to Killing Eve

Q3 TARGETS: 1 and 5

1- cover all areas of LIAR
5- Answer the question

intertextuality- refer media product eiffel tower can be one since its iconic.
-heist and ocean 11 (LP)


Intro- agree/ disagree 
P1- bullet point 1 (context, produced and consumed) 
KE - production, consumption and theory 
LP - production and consumption 

P2- bullet point 2 ( intertextuality) setting and imagery
KE - intertextual example (L from liar) show how context impacted it, link audience, theory 
LP - intertextuality example how context impacted it audience and theory

P3- bullet point 3 (Intertextuality) genre- codes and conventions
KE - intertextual to MI5, context every country has a secret service in the government, theory, (rep or industy LIAR)
LP - intertextual ref: Ocean 11 and the book, link to context, theory 

P4- representation 
KE- turned it on their head with James bond stereo with the females being strong
LP- small budget so the representations are traditional for the genre

decent conclusion 

my version

P1 context produce and consume
ke- female team, bbc america, bbc known for strong characters, equality, Star names Sandra Oh internationally known and big in america, theory- hesmondhalgh, 
lp- stream, lockdown, small budget, Netflix made it, need for more production, wider tastes catered for during lockdown. reduce risk wiht popular genre and codes and convention

P2 intertextuality media language and rep (liar)
Ke- intertextual images England, Tsukany with vine yard, context impact, audicne theory. repetition of codes and conventions, not just intertextual since its the representations that appeal to the audience more than intertextuality with the strong character
LP- eiffel tower, museum/ paintings, context impact, audience and theory.

KE- bus, weather, Uk- refers to the UK audience more than international since we don't see the iconic places a lot. Contexts of cultural experiences of the UK, realistic representations of the UK so appeals to both audiences through intertextual iconic images, Bathes appeals with signs and meaning and ideologies- myths about the UK.
LP- Louve and effeil tower- iconic images appeal to the international audience, representations of the ballinues/ slums appeal to a national audience because over 80% of the population live outside of the centre. Barthes with signs, hall representation- they included the slums with the gangs and stereotypes. 

P3 intertextuality genre
ke- MI5 apply to audience everyone knows of the Secret services theory Liar

Thursday 5th December 2024
Question 4 Feedback
Do Now:
- Butler point1- performance of gender roles
- Butler point2- repetition so that it becomes natural and gender trouble
- Gilroy point1- post colonising and failure to mourn and black Atlantic which results in criminalisation of immigrants
- Gilroy point2- white western superiority
- limitation each- neither are specific to LFTVDs, focuses only on those areas no other ones

Plan/ structure: for Q4

intro- detail theory and ed3 elements that make up the theory

element1 of theory
    apply to LP
    apply to KE

element2 of theory
    apply to LP
    apply to KE

element3 of theory
    apply to LP
    apply to KE

conclusion- evaluate how its limited and then if it works in analysing LFTVD.


- Gender is created in how we preform our roles. Through repetition is naturalised gender roles
- Gender performativity- performance of the gender character/ person create stereotypes of gender roles of gender focues on masculinity and feminity.
- Gender trouble- by creating binary norms of heteronormativity it creates an exclusion for those who do not fit into the binary norms. Through repetition it naturalises gender roles. Butler aims to remove stereotypical of fixed instead on gender and sexuality.

Butlers theory on Gender performativity talks about how through the repetition of gender performance of our gender roles become naturalised within society. This can create gender trouble since the normal is heteronormativity and this excludes anyone who doesn't fit in the binary norms. Though Butler aims to remove stereotypical fixed gender roles on gender and sexuality.  

LP gender trouble in the pool scene as a female is sexualised and the male is seen to be transfixed by her sexuality. reinforces heteronormanity doesn't allow variation in sexualtiy/ gender.
KE goes against gender trouble and the idea of binary norms in sexuality and gender roles through Villanelle- bedroom scene, Eve- role as working wife, focuses on danger in her job.  


Friday 14th February 2025
ML and Rep PPE section: P1 section B

- dont describe the music video will not get many marks
- focus on the question (macro- mirco)
    - in general macro, micro is the music vid
- TARGET consider genre, audience expectations and conventions.
- use a macro sentence at the start of each paragraph. 

- TARGET use as much accurate terminology for the unknown source as for the case study.

Media industry and audience P2 section A

- include explicit context very important 
- make the first sentence in the paragraph in general then go in detail.
- economic context- shift from going to the cinema to those prefering to watch in their living room, cost of making film, price of tickets/ download. using franchieses to guarantee income. 

- Include the re-release strategy and effects. 
- specific examples and use major US sport instead of guessing what it was. 

Wednesday 12th February 2025
News PPE Dirt
L/O: To reflect on the mock exam and identify areas to improve.

Q1: social context and bell hooks, anything about society 
- gender, shopping, ethnically diverse, lexis and rep on woman.
what bell hooks says, feminism and patriarchy 
- gender- male gaze vs strong woman
- byline- written by man patriarchy
- headlines, ads, images, verbal codes. 
- white supermacy in images and coulld be argues tokenism
- absence of racial rep
- trans identity attacked (Warrior Queen/ Femininity)
- pro female identity- ignores other sexualities

rough structure what could of talked about. 
intro) Hooks- feminism, intersectional approach- absent(race, sexuality, call plus gender). Byline Mail, patriarchy with the male
P1) Mail lacking intersectional approach in racial rep, main image. 
p2) Mirror intersectional some extent, rep of race Tokenism.
p3) Mail sexuality ignored, gender stereotype 'worrior queen' the word femininity lexis
p4)focus on the 'woman' isolates/ creates binary, 
breifly conclude 

Q2: media lang and viewpoints and ideologies
can compare tabloids and mid market
headline and main image focus
BP1- explain. ML with vp and ideology make judgement on Q. It does
BP2- examples from mail and mirror
mail- 1. image, 2. masthead, 3. lexis (1. female positive but traditional, 2 traditional nationalistic, 3 more formal mid market)
mirror- 1. image,2. masthead,3. lexis (1 racial rep left, sans serif red white, modern brit, modern and fits tabloid, 3 girl power, after party, 
BP3- judgement- conclusion 

Q3:might mention ownership influences economic,
- BBC challenge to newspaper as this is funded by the license fee so takes online trafic from the newspaper sites.
- cover price increse and the fact that the Guardian doesn't publish its citculation figures anymore suggest that it is low. 
- more economic factors.
- no paywall as many have but donations from the G and then membership from the M

Q4: more parts in the theory
Brief explain the theory
backdoors, sm, mean world syndrome with guardian reference to war. doesnt apply to Daily mail since its more celeb.

Wednesday 26th February 2025
Long form TVD and Theory Q4

Q3: Targets:
A little more discussion on theory, link to the question and focus on the audience beliefs. Cover all areas of LIAR. Link audience vlaues and attitudes back to the codes and conventions, link context back tot he codes and conventions and beliefs to the audience.

Potential theories:
- Neale genre theory
- Gilroy LP reflecting historical vp criminalising immigrants
- Butler KE preformance of gender roles with Eve, Villanelle, Niko
- Bell Hooks KE and Villanelle and Eve are intersectional
- Van Zoonen LP Assasnes wife/ Juliet, performance of gender roles and objectification

1- Into- Yes C&C differences reflect audiences 
2- Context of production and consumption of KE
Context of production and consumption of LP
3- Context influence in C&C KE
4- Context influence in C&C LP (3&4 Repeated)
5- Conclusion- Judgment- differences in C&C both KE and LP
- Theory, context, liar have to cover and use the bullet points.

The differences in the codes and conventions of LFTVD do reflect the attitudes and beliefs of the audiences that consumes them. Which can be seen in both Killing Eve and Lupin first episodes. 

Context of production and consumption: Just KE but do for LP as well
- made by an all female production team- post me too movement  (historical context, reflect societal values at the via me too- social context- audience attitudes and beliefs. 
- BBC America- shown in America then move to BBC 3 then Netflix
- Big budget- Sandra Oh, appeal to US audience a they were primary audience. 
Consumption- BBC America- paid for Tv. BBC3- free license fee. Netflix- subscription. Gradually moved to binge watching as available for all episodes to watch. 

Context influence in C&C in Killing Eve:
-Russian Villain
-MI5 Spy genre- cold war, popular genre over time, production for BBC America and American audience has meant that the CC have followed traditional spy genre so it is recognised worldwide. Audience expectations for Spy genre is followed, with Russian villain. Beliefs that the country is vulnerable. 
Neale popular genres are repeated to engage audiences, recognisable...
-female protagonist- me too movement cahnegd the codes and conventions of the spy genre protagonist which shows independance.
Bell Hooks, against patriarchy.
Include LIAR

Q4 Targets: 
Good knowledge and application, add same limitations to the theory and generally does it apply. 

What are the applicable points on the theory
How does the theory apply
How does the theory work for TVD
Give examples from TVD
Limitations covered as well

some audiences have more context of what its happening so the negotiated  readings are different. ironic messages as well
