
Q4. Evaluate the relevance of Todorov's theory of narratology to long for television drama.


intro- todorov talks about the structure of the narrative and each stages of the narrative. in general lftvds, its a general theory can be applied to a lot of things

para1- apply to KE talk about how it applies and useful helps to understand a linier narrative structure

para2- apply to LP talk about how it applies and useful. Its a bit harder to apply here due to the flashbacks.

para3- it doesnt apply to lftvds series due to the endining being more of a enigma, also doesnt explain a more complex narrative.

conclusion- this theory can be useful to lftvds but not for series due to the limitations and how we are left with an enigma and a mini new equilibrium.

Todorov's theory is relevant for LFTVDs because its a general theory that talks about the structure of narratives. Since general LFTVDs all have an equilibrium and then end with a new one. However there are instances where we are left with an enigma, this mainly happens in series.

This can be seen in Killing Eve, since the structure of the narrative starts with Eve having a male boss at the MI5 and her being happily married. We are introduced to her boss at the meeting with a mid shot and by his body language and dialogue we can see that he isnt the best which can link with the patriarchal context. 
